Clara Barton Chapter #1 American Red Cross
Clara Barton founded the first Red Cross chapter in Dansville on Aug. 22, 1881, at what is now St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (and which was recently nominated for inclusion on the State and National Registers of Historic Places). The local Red Cross chapter continues a more than 130-year link in the community. The Northern Livingston County Chapter received its charter on July 9, 1917.
"Today, the Chapter house, donated to the Red Cross in 1949 by the Noyes Family, serves as both an office and a museum. In addition to the historic house and Noyes Family collection of decorative art & antiques, Clara Barton Museum of the American Red Cross contains an archival collection, historic Civil War-era artifacts, and other Red Cross history memorabilia. Come learn about the history of volunterism, the American Red Cross and it founder Clara Barton in the national humanitarian organization's historic Chapter #1 location, Dansville, NY!"
New Museum Hours:
Admission to the Museum is by guided tour only, Monday-Friday, 1-4pm, with tours on the hour, or by appointment. For school groups or group tours larger than 10 visitors, tours are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call (585) 335-3500.
Admission is free, but donations in support of the new museum are accepted. Thank you!
NEW! Clara Barton in Dansville Walking Tours. Please stop by the Chapter house to receive this self-guided heritage walking tour brochure.
To learn more about Clara Barton & her history with the Dansville, NY community, please visit this link.