Located on the corner of Perine & Main Streets, the Dansville Library has allowed for generations Dansville residents and visitors have come through their doors for books, educational opportunities, films and more. The Library continues to remain a vital community resource dedicated to providing a gathering place for residents to explore, meet, learn and to relax. The original library building was built by Joshua Shepard in 1824. In 1924, the Shepard grandchildren donated the house for use as Dansville Public Library.

The Dansville Public Library held a Groundbreaking Ceremony on Saturday, November 6, 2010 to allow for renovations and expansion. The plan for expansion began 10 years prior. With the opening of the expanded library occurring in November 2012, the primary goals of the construction and renovation projects were to provide new services and offer opportunities to young readers. Funding for the new addition was obtained from a variety of sources including private donations to the ‘Where Knowledge Grows’ Campaign; state library construction grants; capital reserve funds; and construction loans from Community Bank, N.A. and USDA Rural Development and ARRA funds. The Library continues to serve well over 10,000 people from Dansville and the surrounding towns and villages. Additionally, they have annual circulations in excess of 70,000.

Library Details
Monday through Friday: 10 am to 8:30 pm
Saturday: 12 pm to 4 pm
Sunday: Closed

200 Main Street, Dansville